Thursday, July 28, 2011

How it all Started

I have always been interested in reading books on health and wellness while ironically sitting on the couch eating chips. On a scale of 1 to 10 I would say I was mostly a carnivore eating some fruit and veg but not nearly what I should.

So what changed? One day driving to T-ball with my son he asked me why there was a picture of a cow on his baseball glove. I explained that it was there because baseball gloves are made from cow skin. He asked if the cow was already dead and was that why we could use the skin. I then had the pleasure of explaining to a 6 year old that we kill animals for meat and their skin. Needless to say he was pretty horrified.

This of course led me to thinking about meat and where it comes from. Fact is sometimes children see things in a way that makes you think. I am not saying that I have moved towards vegetarianism because of cruelty to animals but it certainly doesn't hurt.

The main motivations for me are health and vitality. I find that I can recover faster from exercise when I eat a very clean vegetarian diet. So let's see where this experiment takes me. The rules are simple, no meat, dairy or sugar for one month.

My goal is to lose 60 pounds and lead a much healthier life filled with energy and vitality.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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